
I grew up in Edinburgh, read English at Oxford and now work in London as a writer and subeditor. 

This is my personal blog, which I started in India.

Click here for my portfolio of published work; get in touch at


This blog began in India…

In June 2008, I left Oxford in a black cab headed East.

I spent three happy weeks in southern India in the company of friends. For the next six weeks, I taught English and arts and crafts in a girls’ school run by the Sambhali Trust in a small village in the Thar desert, western Rajasthan. I was to fly home for my graduation ceremony in October.

But October came and went, and I remained in India. Godparents were written to, apologised to, and reassured that I would, in the near future, graduate, and they would be invited to the event (tea at the Randolph included).

Then Christmas came and went, and I remained in India. Relatives were written to, apologised to, and sent beautifully hand-stitched, wax-sealed cloth parcels (pretty trinkets included).

My experience of India, and the village that held me (voluntarily) captive, I recorded each day in what is now a large stack of journals. My blog posts are distillations of those entries and my thoughts on the people, themes and habits that revealed themselves to me slowly, over time.


 लाल क़िला

(This explains the name “I Swim Chapati”.)

2 Responses to “Me”

  1. hi Griselda ! we have just had your uncle Chris (& Patrice ) to stay here in Spain so I read your blog & loved it ! I was riding in the Thar Desert in 2000 so the photos were very familiar to me, all those colours…. oooooo…. it makes me miss it all ! Did you know that MONSOON clothes company were the first people to teach the untouchables (at night in the schools when no-one else was there) ? Keep up the good work, I remember you when you were little at Warminghurst with the twins xx Zsa

  2. Hey — Stumbled across your blog, struck by the fact that I went to London just to watch Arcadia too, and I live in India too. Wasn’t it awesome? So moving, so brainy.

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